Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Command Performance

Jay made an executive decision regarding obedience training, and it was a good one. 

The fact of the matter is, Mojo worships the very ground Jay walks on, and will do anything for him.  Well, anything that he is able to process at this point.

Me?  Not so much.  It's not that he doesn't like me (Mojo is unfailingly kind!), but I'm his second choice, certainly not the object of his affection.

And so, Jay thought it would be wise if I was the one who took Mojo through obedience training.  And we did some pretty good work together last night.

The goals were a reverse u-turn (or as we like to call it: "left"), and a sit and stay.  At first, "sit" was more of an awkward pose between sitting up and lying down, but as you can see in one picture, he kind of nailed it toward the end, even earning him/me two thumbs up from the trainer.  Compared to the chocolate lab who spent most of the evening upside down, or the terrier who preferred eating the training mats more than walking over them, I think we did quite well.  We even pulled off "stay" (most of the time).  "Stay" and "Pause" are kind of the same thing, don't you think?

Anyway, we made it through, although there was no denying that when class was over, he had real pep in his step as he bee-lined it back to Jay for the walk to the van.

But we did have an encouraging finale: when we got to the van, Jay said "go" and Mojo jumped up and in all by himself.  Up to this point, all entry into vehicles begins with a body plant to the ground and ends with Jay carrying him in.

Every day, another layer of mystery is peeling off of this wonderful dog.  We're just getting a kick out of being there when it happens!

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