Saturday, April 7, 2012

Obedience School: He Aces the First Test!

So obedience school started on Wednesday. We're in a class for non-puppies who need to work on the basics, hence the name: "Basic Obedience".

In theory, we'll be learning how to sit, stay, come, and all those things.  But we have a bit of a hitch:  Mojo cannot be swayed by treats.  And positive reinforcement techniques are pretty much rooted in the concept that a dog you can bribe is a dog you can teach.


So, we either have to find a treat that Mojo finds utterly irresistible, or we may not accomplish a whole lot in class. 

On the plus side, the first session was dedicated to the art of leash walking, and Mojo was like the poster child for the technique.  There was serious envy in the room, on both ends of the leashes. 

We were also pleased to see that he wasn't fazed by the other dogs (and we have some very vocal pooches in the class), nor did he slink around.  He was fine. 

... we just have to figure out how to whet his appetite to learn all the other stuff he's supposed to learn!

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