Sunday, March 4, 2012

When in Roam ...

Mojo's progress could be costing us some sleep for a while!

Last night, he spent a good portion of the evening wandering around the house.  He didn't have to go out (we had already cleared that hurdle) ... he just must have decided it was time to expand his horizons.

He meandered around the living room, sniffed the rug Chloe -- our Big Ol' Dog who died at the ripe old dog age of 125 in December -- used to sleep on (a rug that has plenty of stories to smell), and wandered around and around and around the house.

It was hard to say if there was an agenda to any of this.  If we lifted a head to peek at what he was doing, he'd bolt back to his safe place in the kitchen.  Even if we didn't peek, but so much as moved a foot or started to adjust a blanket ... back he'd run. 

It appears he was so emboldened by the nighttime raid, that he was still at it this morning as I sat down to read in the living room.    (notice the 2 coats on the dining room chairs ... that's so we can find them easily in the dark if we're summoned for an overnight constitutional)

So much progress!  What's next?  We can't wait to find out.


  1. I love all these updates- makes my heart melt with his progress:)

  2. Things are really advancing it seems. This is wonderful! I know, through a good friend, a couple who foster dogs but ended up adopting one too and this dog never came out from under the kitchen table for months. The dog is a happy, normal dog now. They may be contacting you in the future to encourage you, since they had a very similiar situation. He is a pastor and she is involved with children needing help. I think you would really hit it off. He sure is a handsome dog.
    Wishing you a good night's sleep

    Leslie Peot

    1. Thanks, Leslie! We really believe that Mojo's future will be that of a Full Metal Lab ... we really do see glimpses even behind that layer of fear and self-protection he has built up. Yesterday, he actually put a toy in his mouth. For a second only, but that kind of thing is HUGE and starts to break down those walls. We would welcome hearing from others who have rescued a fearful dog!

  3. Love reading these updates too! Sending lots of positive energy your way! Keep up the great love!

    1. Thanks, Diane ... we're feeling that energy!
